Sunday, June 27, 2010


Friday we finished a week of Cheer Camp - Maddie cheering and Me driving and loving all her happiness and excitement!!

I want to thank East Coast Rage formerly Spirit All Stars in Suffolk, Va. What a great experience! 

Susan, Rachel, Haley, Mollie & Kayleigh - you girlies rocked!!


Now We're Cookin'

It's - almost done! All the major stuff is in and complete now - except the sink and hooking up the dishwasher! (Hopefully that will happen this week - no sink sucks!)

I am so psyched!!!! It is so beautiful!!! Even my Daddy loves it and he was totally not sold on the colors when I picked them out - now he wants to tear up his kitchen - ha!

The one thing left to do is get stools - I ordered them before the island was in and the ones I got are too tall :(
(See the one next to door - too tall. Short stool was for the desk part which is right behind the tall stool)

So will be ordering new stools just like the tall one, but shorter version - ONLY PROBLEM is Madison and JE want the little stools with no backs and I want backs. Hmmm? Now I am so confused- LOL!!! Just a problem, right? Well I have waited so long and want it all so right!

Will post more pictures later of all the cool things that are hidden behind those cabinet doors!

Enjoy your sneak peek!!

Can't wait to have everyone over after the other rooms are put back together! :)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Momma Wants One TOO!!! - PLEASE VOTE

Ok, so my friends Julie and Meg did this and JULIE WON!!!

So I am pleading with you all to slip over to Smile Generator and vote for my picture .. there is a possiblity that I could win an IPad .. maybe!

This is the link .. so go create a profile and vote .

This is the picture I submitted! Maddie "Bed Surfing" when we went to the Miley Concert last Nov. What great fun ... even I did it. I am pretty sure the people down stairs didn't like it, but I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard!!!!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kitchen Update

This is my life since MARCH!!!! Yeah, you heard right!!! MARCH!!!

I still have no cabinets, BUT am suppose to get those installed this coming Friday!!! It can't get here fast enough either!!!

Of course I am tickled to death, but we still have several hurdles ---- floor to be measured for the new flooring, flooring installed, counter tops measured, counter tops installed, the appliances delivered and hooked up and then the touch up paint, shoe molding and crown molding!

So as I hit the big hurdle Friday there are several more to come which I pray will be speedier than the cabinets!

So this week I shall clean out the kitchen to make room for my lovely cabinets and clean out the old sewing room which will then become our family room.

Wonder where all the mess will go???

So busy week cleaning and trips to the pool sandwiched in there as well.

Maybe in a few weeks I will be able to actually cook and pull out the real dishes again!! Yes we have used paper plates and plastic utensils since March as well!


Friday, June 11, 2010

My Photo Friday

Our trip to Beaufort, NC  :)


Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Little More Preppy....


This just tickles me to no end ... I am a total Country music kind of gal ... most of the time! (Occassionlly there is a little rap, disney or pop music sandwiched in there)

I stumbled across this today and just had to share!!!

Turn it up& enjoy!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For Your Reading Pleasure


I woke up this morning to find an email in my in-box about this!!!

This Saturday is the release date for Stephenie Meyer's short novel!!

So all you Twilight fans get to clicking at or Barnes & Noble!

Can you guess what I will be downloading Staurday to my NOOK to take to the beach???



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